Flashback Friday
Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 12 - The Fifth Element
My friends Sami and Bryan and I talk about The Fifth Element, the most 90s things I've ever seen, and the food technologies we look forward to most. I also find a way to talk about Natalie Portman in a movie she's not even in! Be sure to check out our completed grids, below.
Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 11 - Fargo
My mom, Melissa, and I talk about Fargo, sociopaths, geography, and one of the funniest American movies of the 20th century? We also have way too much trouble pronouncing the name Gaear. It's not that hard, past selves! Plus, my mom also thinks she's too cool for the grid - you only get away with that once, Mom! Be sure to check out our completed grids, below (I did the best I could filling out my mom's!).
Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 10 - Superman: The Movie
Happy Father's Day! Today, to celebrate Superman's 80th birthday and the upcoming 40th anniversary of this movie, my Dad, Mark (the biggest Superman fan I know), and I talk about Superman: The Movie, believing a man can fly, and the atrocity of, "Can You Read My Mind?" We also get a little distracted talking about our favorite iterations of Superman/Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor. Be sure to check out our completed grids, below.
Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 09 - Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park celebrates it's 25th anniversary this year, so my friends Sami and Bryan join me to discuss one of the best movies ever made, living on Hawaii when the movie was filmed, and so, so many bangs. I also lament the fact that my college education did not include more Jurassic Park, and I stand by it. Be sure to check out our completed grids, below.
Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 07 - The Truman Show
The Truman show turns 20! The celebrate, Jessie and I talk about The Truman Show, Napstering our favorite movie scores as children, and the dark side of reality TV. We also get pretty far off topic more than once, but I don't even feel a little bad about it. Be sure to check out our completed grids, below.
Nitty Griddy Reviews Episode 05 - 2001: A Space Odyssey
My sister, Jessie, and I talk about 2001: A Space Odyssey, the great unknown, and offensive hair. I also forget James Joyce's name and refer to him as "the same guy who wrote Ulysses" - my bad. Be sure to check out our completed grids, below.